About Us
About Comar Cyber
What We Do…
Comar Cyber is a human factors cyber security training and consulting company. Its founder and staff have decades of Intelligence Community experience in cyber operations, human intelligence, and counterintelligence. Comar Cyber offers cyber security training at the intersection of these disciplines. It’s team has years of experience in training personnel to meet rigorous standards set by the only metric that matters: mission success in the field.
Using a pioneering new method of corporate cyber security awareness training –“Learn by Hacking™” – Comar Cyber gives companies training that is more engaging than traditional passive cyber security training.

What if they could step into the role of a hacker learning the ropes instead? Welcome to Learn By Hacking™.
Mark Elliott
CEO, Comar Cyber

Mark served for over a decade at CIA where he worked as an Operations Officer and ops leader in field assignments. He has extensive experience at the intersection of HUMINT operations and technology. As a manager at Headquarters in the CIA’s Directorate of Operations, Mark worked with companies, investors, and other elements of government to identify, purchase, and create technologies for CIA’s operational use. He used his training and experience in multiple international and domestic tours to identify and counter nation-state cyber threats to protect enterprise and operational systems.
While completing his Master’s thesis on creating a national cyber civil defense program, Mark realized that one of the biggest targets for cyber-attacks is the corporate employee population. The best way for companies to defend themselves is to teach their employees about all the ways people – not computers – can be hacked. Having taken hours of boring cybersecurity “refreshers” over the years, Mark realized that people don’t like to think of themselves as targets.